Foswiki Domains

Foswiki domains

We are currently in the process of migrating the .com/.org/.net domains from SvenDowideit into the Association. Other Fossies hold miscellaneous country-code TLDs like .de or .eu. We can transfer them, too. Since every additional domain costs a yearly fee (approx. 10$ each), I want to ask you, what you think about registering ccTLDs. -- OliverKrueger - 29 Mar 2012

Do we want to have country-code topleveldomains like in addition to our .org/.net/.com domains?

%VOTE{id="ccTLDyesno" select1="ccTLDs" options1="yes,no"}%

(Voting ends Apr 6th, 2012)


I'm not going to vote as I believe that members within the domain market area would be more knowledgeable about the value of the particular domains. As a US resident, it's pretty much automatic to add .com to domains, and browsers often will guess that for you. If local to the German market, is a common choice, then it probably has value there. But sitting over here in the US, I have no idea.

-- GeorgeClark - 31 Mar 2012

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Topic Summary Foswiki Domains
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Topic revision: r5 - 31 Mar 2012, GeorgeClark
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