Foswiki 3.0 Coding Guide

This guideline is intended for developers wanting to help with the Foswiki 3.0 redesign. It lists the Foswiki 1/2 calling convention and the Foswiki 3.0 implementation.

Common notes.

Class hierarchy is based on CPAN:Moo OO framework as a lightweight subset of CPAN:Moose which reasonable script startup time. CPAN:Moose may become the base Foswiki framework but not before CGI standard could be completely dropped in favor of permanent or semi-permanent environments like FCGI, mod_perl, and eventually PSGI. Anyway, CPAN:Moo will be referred throughout this paper as the base framework though one shall keep in mind that it's not permanent situation.

Foswiki::Object is the single base class for all other Foswiki classes.

Foswiki::AppObject is the base for all classes which cannot be instantiated without properly initialized $Foswiki::app application object. Foswiki::AppObject predeclares app attribute which stores a weak reference to $Foswiki::app, and method create() which simplifies instantiation of a new Foswiki::AppObject descendant class by implicitly passing app parameter to new() call. I.e.


is equivalent to:

Foswiki::Request->new( app => $this->app )


Any generated exception must be a Foswiki::Exception descendant. die to be avoided as much as possible. Foswiki::Exception::Fatal is the most common substitute for die though well-thought exception hierarchy is highly welcome.

Foswiki::Exception provide several useful methods: static errorStr() for handling $@; object methods rethrow(), rethrowAs(), and transmute().

ASSERT() raises Foswiki::Exception::ASSERT.

Exceptions are handled using CPAN:Try::Tiny. CPAN:Error isn't used anymore.


CPAN:Moo has keyword is used to generate object attributes and their accessors. It means that references like $this->{attribute} are possible but not valid. $this->attribute must be used for accessing the value and $this->attribute($value) for setting it. CPAN:Moo has more on setters/getters and naming conventions.

For attributes which are dynamically generated or by any other reason must be stored using a hash a dedicated hash-containing attribute must be introduced. It's not only architectural limitation of CPAN:Moo but a security/reliability measure as it avoids clashes between predefined and dynamic object attributes.

Examples of such container-attributes are (double-dot notation is used to attach attribute name to it's class):


The Foswiki::Plugins::SESSION has been eliminated. Foswiki::App is the root of the Foswiki application, and information previously accessed from the $session-> hash field are now requested from the Foswiki App

Element Foswiki 1/2 Foswiki 3 Comments
Session object $Foswiki::Plugins::SESSION n/a  
Application object n/a $Foswiki->app  
Current user $session->{user} $Foswiki->app->user  

Function Foswiki 1/2 Example Foswiki 3 Example Comments
webExists $session->webExists $Foswiki::app->store->webExists() Functions that test contents of store have been moved into store.
topicExists $Foswiki::Plugins::SESSION->topicExists $Foswiki::app->store->topicExists() Plugins::SESSION has been eliminated.

Function Foswiki 1/2 Example Foswiki 3 Example Comments
normalizeWebTopicName $Foswiki::Plugins::SESSION->normalizeWebTopicName( $web, $topic ) $Foswiki::app->request->normalizeWebTopicName( $web, $topic )  

User session

Function Foswiki 1/2 Example Foswiki 3 Example Comments
getCGISession $session->getCGISession $app->users->getCGISession  

The $Foswiki::cfg hash is moved into $Foswiki->app->cfg->data, ad other methods that return configuration data have been moved to $Foswiki->app->cfg
Element Foswiki 1/2 Foswiki 3 Comments
Script URL $Foswiki::Plugins::SESSION->getScriptUrl() $Foswiki::app->cfg->getScriptUrl() Func version unchanged
Pub URL $Foswiki::Plugins::SESSION->getPubURL() $Foswiki::app->cfg->getPubURL  
Any config element $Foswiki::cfg{key} $cfg = $Foswiki->app->cfg;

Unit tests

FoswikiTestCase simulates Foswiki::AppObject role by providing app object attribute and create() method.

FoswikiTestCase is a localizeable class. Methods pushApp() and popApp() are there to localize/restore current test case state without use of extra curly braces. See set_up() method for a example.

Introduced two new support classes: Unit::TestApp (inherits from Foswiki::App) and Foswiki::Engine::Test.

createNewFoswikiSession() method has been replaced with createNewFoswikiApp(). The following are the differences from the old method:

  • Unit::TestApp is used instead of Foswiki::App (and, for sure, the old Foswiki approach).
  • createNewFoswikiApp() doesn't use any arguments by simply bypassing what it receives in @_ to the Unit::TestApp constructor.
  • New Foswiki::Request object isn't created by the test case but is taken from the newly created app object. Generally, use of FoswikiTestCase request attribute shall be avoided.
  • All attributes of current test case object which holds objects with Foswiki::AppObject role are fixed to use the new app object.

Because the Foswiki::Request class has been split into few subclasses it's not possible anymore for Unit::Request to be used. Besides, unlike to old approach, Foswiki::Request is not initialized by the session/app object but initializes itself using engine-provided data. These changes have their implication on how a new temporary app object gets created. Two major players in this process are Unit::TestApp and Foswiki::Egine::Test.

  1. Unit::TestApp defines attributes requestParams and engineParams. Both are hashes passed over to request and engine constructors correspondingly.
  2. Foswiki::Engine::Test defines initialAttributes attribute. This is a hash of initial values for keys of Foswiki::Engine data attributes pathData, connectionData, and queryParameters. Values could also be taken from corresponding FOSWIKI_TEST_<KEYNAME> $app->env variables.
  3. Foswiki::Engine::Test can simulate both CGI and PSGI style returns. This behavior is determined by simulate attribute. CGI style is needed to comply with the capture() method requirements.

Additionally, as Foswiki::UI is now a base class to handle user actions and all Foswiki::UI::Action are subclassing it the old $UI_FN style of simulating a request processing doesn't work anymore. Only $this->app->handleRequest is supported.

Here is an example of new style code to capture a response taken from AccessControlTests case:

    my $app = $this->app;
    my $cfg = $app->cfg;


    # Request the page with the full UI
    my $viewUrl = $cfg->getScriptUrl( 0, 'view', $this->test_web, $test_topic );

    my ($text) = $this->capture(
        sub {
                requestParams => {
                    initializer => {
                        webName   => [ $this->test_web ],
                        topicName => ["$test_topic"],
                engineParams => {
                    simulate          => 'cgi',
                    initialAttributes => {
                        path_info => "/" . $this->test_web . "/$test_topic",
                        method    => 'GET',
                        action    => 'view',
                        uri       => $viewUrl,
                user => undef,
            return $this->app->handleRequest;

NOTE: The CGI simulation will not be needed when an alternative capture method with PSGI-style return support will be created.

The user parameter is not from the original test case code and added as an example of use of other Foswiki::App supported attributes to initialize a new app object.
Topic revision: r8 - 30 Jun 2016, VadimBelman
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