Release Meeting: 23 Jan 2017


1. Urgent Task review

No new urgent tasks

2. Development Discussion

3. Next release

Patch release 2.1.3

  • Release from: Release02x01
  • Beta-2 start: Jan 2017 (Once blog is restored)
  • Release target: Jan 2017

Feature release 2.2.0

  • Feature Freeze: 17 Apr 2017
  • Release from: master
  • Beta start: 1 Jun 2017
  • Release target: 1 Jul 2017

Next meeting - - Monday 06 Feb 2017 1300Z — ReleaseMeeting02x02_20170206


(08:00:00 AM) uebera||: Hi there.
(08:00:19 AM) gac410: Hi uebera||
(08:01:58 AM) MichaelDaum: Hi all
(08:02:26 AM) ***gac410 still not quite awake - coffee still brewing.  
(08:03:23 AM) gac410: So lets get started...    
(08:03:48 AM) MichaelDaum: any agenda for today?
(08:04:31 AM) gac410: The usual ... Urgent tasks,   2.1.3 progress   Feature proposals ...
(08:04:31 AM) gac410: No new urgent tasks have popped up - 
(08:05:02 AM) gac410: There are a few at   that we probably ought to downgrade.
(08:05:34 AM) gac410: For 2.1.3,  There is one task i want to merge,  and I thing we're ready to build Beta 2.   Now the holdup will be the blog.
(08:06:21 AM) gac410: The patches for Item14281: -  fixiing the secure flag and domain for all the cookies used by foswiki.
(08:06:34 AM) MichaelDaum: good catch. good to have that one nailed. 
(08:07:16 AM) gac410: I guess the javascript I finagled is okay.  I've tested it a few times and it seems okay.   I removed the ternary in UpdatesPlugin, as cookie is happy with true/false directly.
(08:07:56 AM) MichaelDaum: wrt the blog. I have got only two packages left to be released and then we can start setting up the blog from stuff released on f.o.
(08:08:21 AM) gac410: I don't think there were any other tasks that came to my attention 
(08:08:55 AM) MichaelDaum: uebera||, I've added an apache mode to the createRedirectMap rest handler of blog plugin... not tested however
(08:09:20 AM) uebera||: we'll see what breaks once we use it ;)
(08:09:25 AM) gac410: DougLeonard has been struggling with    
(08:09:42 AM) MichaelDaum:
(08:09:55 AM) gac410: Trying to convert a large twiki site and some expansions in Edittable macro are not working the same way.
(08:10:44 AM) MichaelDaum: uebera||, I'll create zips (data and pub) of the already converted blog content and attach them somewhere?
(08:11:05 AM) gac410: Someone more experienced with wiki apps  might help him more than I can
(08:11:57 AM) gac410: MichaelDaum:  do you have an account on  Just scp them?
(08:12:01 AM) uebera||: MichaelDaum: great. You can attach it to
(08:12:12 AM) uebera||: ...or upload it to the server, yes.
(08:12:13 AM) gac410: or that ;)
(08:12:24 AM) vrurg: Hi all
(08:13:01 AM) gac410: hi vrurg
(08:13:16 AM) MichaelDaum: no I don't have a shell on f.o. I'll attach the stuff. and then lets see.
(08:13:34 AM) gac410: For the blog,  I think we want to get beta2 built/installed,  so that the cookies are consistent between b.f.o and f.o 
(08:14:00 AM) gac410: And we symkink Main,   and make sure working and .htpasswd are the same files.
(08:14:56 AM) gac410: er   simlink   not kink   :D
(08:15:40 AM) MichaelDaum: k
(08:16:56 AM) gac410: is currently reachable if you add a static host entry.   Not linked yet, so no login other than the admin pass
(08:18:44 AM) gac410: Anything else on tasks,    new or needed to get into Beta2 ?
(08:19:58 AM) MichaelDaum: hm no dns for
(08:20:16 AM) gac410: Needs a static host entry.   
(08:20:20 AM) uebera||: yes, we don't want Google to pick it up, so no DNS entry. You need to modify /etc/hosts
(08:20:23 AM) MichaelDaum: shall I add it manually to my local hosts for testi....snap
(08:20:32 AM) MichaelDaum: whats the ip
(08:20:44 AM) uebera||: look at f.o and take a guess ;)
(08:21:04 AM) gac410: Depends if you are using ipv6 or ip.    Ping will tell you
(08:21:29 AM) gac410:   is ipv4
(08:21:33 AM) ***MichaelDaum slaps his forehead
(08:23:18 AM) ***vrurg thought it's me and gac410 who is still sleepy here... ;)
(08:24:12 AM) gac410: Anything else on tasks? ...  If not I'll merge Item14281 branch and build Beta 2 late today
(08:24:13 AM) uebera||: regarding Foswiki 2.1.3 final--depending on the availability, we should make sure to test this against Perl 5.22.4 (it was said 5.22.4 release was "imminent")
(08:24:49 AM) gac410: I do run with perlbrew 5.24   so hopefully 5.22.4 is close.    
(08:25:33 AM) gac410: Oh...   I reviewed the release meeting for t* ...    A couple of interesting items.
(08:26:20 AM) gac410: 1)  They are adding a new ACL for topics.   Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = + User, User User ...    It is additive to the ALLOWWEBVIEW   so that a topic does not have to re-specify
(08:27:07 AM) uebera||: Can we have "-" as well?
(08:30:10 AM) gac410: The + syntax on topic ACLs does sound handy,  otherwise if you override web permissions with ALLOWTOPIC,   whenever you update ALLOWWEB you need to find and add to any ALLOWTOPIC overrides
(08:31:02 AM) gac410: MichaelDaum:   What two extensions have you not released.   Can we get started installing the rest of them.    Is the list on FoswikOrgBlog   complete?
(08:31:21 AM) gac410: I assume we are going to go with NatSkin for the blog?
(08:32:54 AM) MichaelDaum: right. I am currently working on NatSkinPlugin and NatSkin. 
(08:33:02 AM) MichaelDaum: then we can start
(08:33:26 AM) MichaelDaum: SolrPlugin and StringifierContrib will follow up next. they are not really required but nice 2 have.
(08:34:00 AM) gac410: Right, but with 20-30 plugins to install,  do we have to wait on all of them?   Not a big deal to reinstall after an update.
(08:34:10 AM) MichaelDaum: go for it
(08:34:28 AM) gac410: Okay good.   I'll coordinate with uebera|| after our meeting.
(08:36:08 AM) gac410: Michael,  could you look over and      I can work on it, but with more experience you might spot something quickly.
(08:36:49 AM) MichaelDaum: I tried to. but didn't see get the error skimming over it.
(08:37:06 AM) MichaelDaum: could please somebody else take over the initiative.
(08:37:20 AM) gac410: User is trying to build a | rownum | topicname | topic-formfield |        where topicname is derived from rownum,   and formfield is fetched from the topicname.
(08:37:58 AM) gac410: so after add row,     | 10 | item00010 | formfield{item00010} | is the results.  
(08:38:41 AM) gac410: It may be difference between EditTablePlugin and EditRowPlugin      The former used a commonTags handler,  the latter a registered macro.
(08:39:36 AM) gac410: Okay.    Any other tasks for 2.1.3?    Any more blog discussion.    Last on agenda is feature requests.
(08:41:02 AM) gac410: And there are no new proposals to consider.    And nothing about to expire the 14 day timer.
(08:41:13 AM) gac410: So any other feature proposals business    Vrurg?
(08:42:08 AM) vrurg: Nothing. I'm still working on the new config specs. Have like two days a week and lot to be done in front of me.
(08:43:11 AM) vrurg: Don't even commit it.
(08:43:55 AM) gac410: Okay.  So for Feb. 6th meeting.  Lets assume 2.1.3  is behind us  (or at least Beta2 / Release Candidate)   and unless new tasks,  we'll focus on the 2.2 feature planning.
(08:44:51 AM) gac410: That puts the agenda on to Michale, Crawford, Julian and me,   we all have committed features for 2.2    
(08:46:08 AM) gac410: Anything else for today's meeting?   
(08:48:59 AM) gac410: Going once?  Going twice ...    Adjourned.   Thanks everyone   Short meeting today.
(08:49:07 AM) gac410: Hopefully we
(08:49:23 AM) gac410: Hopefully we'll have a shiny new blog real soon now.
(08:50:13 AM) vrurg: Thanks gac410 !
(08:51:33 AM) MichaelDaum: thanks for the short&efficient meeting :)
(08:52:47 AM) uebera||: +1
(08:55:38 AM) gac410: thanks everyone
(08:59:54 AM) cdot [~crawford@foswiki/developer/cdot] entered the room.
Topic revision: r1 - 23 Jan 2017, GeorgeClark
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