Release Meeting: 20 Feb 2017


1. Urgent Task review

  • No other new urgent tasks.

2. Development Discussion

Partial / Enhancement tasks deferred for 2.2 / 3.0

  • 13481 (Closed): Move cruft out of base templates Checkins on branches: master Cleaning the Base templates, and reorganizing the skin. Partially completed in 2.1.x. Is this too major for 2.2 (Developer was CrawfordCurrie)
Decided to close this task. Too much for minor release, and is better pulled into a major skin rework at some future time.
No decision.
  • 14225 (Confirmed): EXPORTEDPREFERENCES has not kept up with changes to Checkins on branches: Item14225 Is there any meat here, or close / drop the branch?
No decision.
  • RemoveHomegrownFoswikiNetCode: GeorgeClark Merged To Core: Remove the homegrown Foswiki::Net code that 14023 (): Checkins on branches: Downgraded from security. Remove local implementation of Foswiki::Net URL fetching. Require LWP with no fallback.
Decided to merge this. Feature approved by consensus. Simplifies some changes to the Proxy features planned by MichaelDaum.
Decided that this was complete. Set waiting for release.
GeorgeClark needs to finish this off. Most of the work was completed, but needs more review and testing.
  • 10149 (Confirmed): versions query w/SEARCH, RCS store = hang Checkins on branches: trunk Documented in 2.1, Marked for 2.2, What needs to be done here? Any developer? Or remove from the release plan?
No decision.
  • 12263 (Closed): using wrong mapper handling password errors Checkins on branches: Release01x01 trunk Seems to have been turned into a User handing rewrite. Partial fix implemented. Defer? Other suggestions?
Decided to close. Changes were all incorporated into Release 1.1, Any further changes should be part of a user mapper redesign.
  • 11624 (No Action Required): reprev comment and number persists in TOPICINFO long after the event. Checkins on branches: Release01x01 Reverted. Been deferred since Release 1.1, Should we close no action?
Set to no action. A solution in search of a bug.

Feature proposals

Implementation underway

Discussed at some length. Decided that the two comment syntaxes are both required. Decision to merge the changes.
This is partially completed on master. Sufficient to get and happily coexisting. But there is more work required:
  1. upgrade to newer jquery cookie impl
  2. this comes with an api change of its own for any jquery plugin that uses it
  3. alter strikeone and twisty to use jquery.cookie
  4. move any special PREFS code out of the core of related JavaScriptFiles and move it into jquery.foswiki ... which may interact with jquery.cookie as required.
  5. ...
MichaelDaum agreed to pick up the javascript side of the changes.
Discussed this some, but needs more investigation. Decided to defer to 3.0.
MichaelDaum has some patches for master that should resolve any remaining issues.
CrawfordCurrie agreed to address the change from TMPL: to EXPAND: syntax, review documentation and merge.

In Release Plan - no work

These will be discussed further at the 6 March meeting.

Feature requests that need further action


Other experimental

  • 14288 (Confirmed): rewrite to support pluggable edit engines Checkins on branches: Item14288

3. Next release

Patch release 2.1.4

  • Release from: Release02x01
  • Beta start:
  • Release target:

Feature release 2.2.0

  • Feature Freeze: 17 Apr 2017
  • Release from: master
  • Beta start: 1 Jun 2017
  • Release target: 1 Jul 2017

Next meeting - - Monday 20 Mar 2017 1300Z — ReleaseMeeting02x02_20170320

Please review and be prepared to discuss FeatureProposals and ReleasePlan


(08:01:02 AM) gac410: Hi everyone.   Good morning? ..    Ready to get started?
(08:03:23 AM) MichaelDaum: hi guys
(08:03:48 AM) jomo  entered the room.
(08:04:16 AM) gac410: light turnout so far.   I was hoping that Julian and Crawford would make it too.  They have proposals listed for 2.2
(08:04:40 AM) jomo: :D
(08:05:15 AM) gac410: Anyway,  I spent some time digging out incomplete Task items with commits but not ready to release,   as well as all the proposals for 2.2
(08:05:30 AM) gac410: So they are on the agenda:
(08:06:31 AM) ***MichaelDaum looking at the list
(08:08:58 AM) MichaelDaum: we need to make sure that devs are still committed to work on their stuff 
(08:09:17 AM) MichaelDaum: it is a big pile of work
(08:09:28 AM) MichaelDaum: but good to see it all together on one page
(08:09:41 AM) MichaelDaum: some of it seem to be low hanging fruits
(08:09:49 AM) MichaelDaum: others bare a can of worms
(08:10:04 AM) gac410: y.   Last I knew Julian was still committed on the backlink stuff.    I think Lavr's proposals should go to "needs developer"
(08:10:04 AM) MichaelDaum: or are just more complicated to do
(08:10:10 AM) gac410: Y.   
(08:10:37 AM) MichaelDaum: which one is Kenneth's?
(08:11:13 AM) gac410: I've got to look.   Don't recall now.
(08:12:27 AM) gac410: Actually not on 2.2. list.  Add WORKINGDAYS to SSP,  and Treat Numbers as upper case in wikiwords
(08:12:38 AM) gac410:
(08:12:48 AM) MichaelDaum: I see. yea. but they are not scheduled for 2.2
(08:13:08 AM) MichaelDaum: though I think it is fair to say Kenneth isnt on the project anymore
(08:13:11 AM) gac410: Right.   I must have dropped them at some point.
(08:13:30 AM) ***gac410 still not quite awake yet  
(08:13:48 AM) MichaelDaum: :)
(08:14:15 AM) gac410: yeah.   He came back for a bit after 2.0 was out to ream us over the EditRowPlugin and a few other things,   and then disappeared again.
(08:15:02 AM) MichaelDaum: let me edit those two FPs
(08:16:31 AM) MichaelDaum: I will switch it to needs dev
(08:16:42 AM) gac410: okay thanks.
(08:17:23 AM) gac410: Lets proceed down the tasks on the agenda.   maybe we can close or defer some of them
(08:18:45 AM) gac410: Item13481 - Crawford's template restructuring.   You and CDot both recently commented.    Close it and wait for the skin framework work?  
(08:19:35 AM) gac410: Also 12511 deprecated Jquery.metadata.  Another multi-release task.  
(08:19:50 AM) vrurg: Hi everybody!
(08:19:59 AM) gac410: If we commit but don't close, they never end up in the release notes.      Hi Vrurg
(08:20:22 AM) jomo: hi!
(08:20:26 AM) gac410: Hi jomo
(08:20:43 AM) MichaelDaum: gac410, true.
(08:20:48 AM) MichaelDaum: hi vrurg+ jomo
(08:21:35 AM) MichaelDaum: let me have a look at the current checkins of Item13481
(08:22:43 AM) gac410: Item14225 ... was a branch I started to try to make sense out of some of the preferences.  Micha, you didn't seem all that enthused ;)   Maybe I should just no-action and drop the branch
(08:22:54 AM) MichaelDaum: three: two of them are on JavaScriptFiles ... one is more a hijacking checkin
(08:24:04 AM) MichaelDaum: Item13481 should be closed. any additional actions on (a) the templates and/or (b) the JavaScriptFiles ... should be addressed in a separate task
(08:24:19 AM) gac410: Y   I think that makes sense.
(08:24:46 AM) MichaelDaum: any work on this area (templates, JavaScriptFiles) ... in the realm of 2.2 is more of the kind of keeping alive the current situation.
(08:25:41 AM) gac410: y.   I think anything that breaks simple Upgrade process should be deferred for "Major" release changes.
(08:26:11 AM) MichaelDaum: we arent ready to revamp templates, consolidate the javascript framework, reworking  Foswiki::UI interacting with the template systems
(08:26:30 AM) gac410: y.   That's a huge effort
(08:27:22 AM) MichaelDaum: there are a couple of preliminary work that we need to do before we can rewrite the tmpl system: we need to move functions from Foswiki::UI into the Meta or Store layer.
(08:27:46 AM) MichaelDaum: ... the Registration subsystem etc.
(08:28:19 AM) MichaelDaum: there is too much good code in there which can't be reused elsewhere, other than coming via Foswiki::UI
(08:28:25 AM) MichaelDaum: e.g. merging forms n such
(08:29:14 AM) gac410: Ug.   I'm not sure where Registration really belongs.  I'm not sure Meta or Store would be right either.   Maybe a new Foswiki::Registration class or something
(08:29:33 AM) MichaelDaum: anyway. we need to break this down into manageable chunks that make sense.
(08:29:40 AM) gac410: y.
(08:30:26 AM) MichaelDaum: one of my all time favorite of sins is pseudo macros being used in templates
(08:30:58 AM) gac410: Back on tasks.   Item14023 is actually ready to merge.   I stripped out all of the Foswiki::Net fallback code, and everything seems to work fine with LWP.  
(08:31:00 AM) MichaelDaum: e.g. %REVISONS
(08:31:10 AM) gac410: Y,   Those template tokens are really ugly.
(08:31:59 AM) gac410: Totally screws up any concept of rendering order,  as they look like macros but are not.  
(08:32:56 AM) gac410: Item14003 - Scrapping the Foswiki::Address code   was Julian's work.   I think he should get that done for 2.2
(08:33:10 AM) ***MichaelDaum closed Item13481
(08:33:17 AM) gac410: thanks
(08:33:33 AM) MichaelDaum: let me have a look at Item14023
(08:34:13 AM) gac410: It was pretty simple.   Deleting code - I'm good at that  ;)  
(08:34:38 AM) MichaelDaum: awesome. this will ease AddNoProxyFeature a lot. please merge. 
(08:36:29 AM) gac410: will do
(08:38:05 AM) gac410: The next 3 tasks  (one line -  starts with 9790)   is restructuring bulk registration.  That's probably 90% done.  I just need to review wtf I actually did and polish it up.
(08:38:08 AM) MichaelDaum: what's the feature request that brought us Foswiki::Address .... (wrt Item14003)
(08:38:36 AM) gac410: That was done by PaulHarvey a very long time ago.   As part of his & Sven's  Mongo work iirc.
(08:38:55 AM) gac410: To centralize all parsing of Web/Topic/Attachment addressing.
(08:39:14 AM) gac410: and represent it as an object
(08:39:41 AM) gac410: It has some nice unit tests,  but isn't really used by core
(08:40:40 AM) MichaelDaum: I see. Dead code.
(08:40:44 AM) gac410: Not sure it was ever a feature vs. a code reorganizing  
(08:40:45 AM) MichaelDaum: too bad
(08:40:58 AM) gac410: Probably worth keeping around,  but needs work.
(08:41:17 AM) MichaelDaum: looking at the checkin on Item14003 ...
(08:41:53 AM) MichaelDaum: it seems to remove it mostly in bogus places ... however there is one questionable change in there: it removes Foswiki::Meta::type()
(08:42:42 AM) MichaelDaum: this method is not directly related to Foswiki::Address
(08:43:00 AM) gac410: If Julian removed it, it was probably never actually used,  other than by Foswiki::Address
(08:43:09 AM) MichaelDaum: however as Foswiki::Meta - as Foswiki::Func - is a public api, we need to preserve it presumably
(08:44:26 AM) gac410: y.   It does seem useful,   but master is running fine without it,  so probably not used.
(08:44:30 AM) MichaelDaum: not a beauty of code, even incomplete.
(08:45:52 AM) gac410: y,  looks pretty bogus actually.    Dates from when everyone was just checking stuff into "trunk"  and would get around to it later.
(08:46:01 AM) ***MichaelDaum added a comment for Julian
(08:46:37 AM) gac410: Kinda like the code that allows you to QUERY all the original topic info,  creator, createdate, ...    Documented but never implemented.
(08:47:00 AM) MichaelDaum: you mean Foswiki::Address?
(08:47:25 AM) gac410: no  the Meta->type()    Incomplete implementation. 
(08:48:06 AM) MichaelDaum: well, it returns "topic", "webpath" or undef.
(08:48:39 AM) gac410: i removed the pseudo-meta documentation from QUERY in one of the last patches.    and there is also the bogus dataform types in configure that is never used anywhere.  
(08:49:28 AM) MichaelDaum: okay so release branches still have F::M::type(), master doesnt
(08:49:38 AM) gac410: This is all cleanup stuff from the 1.2 nightmare where everyone was just developing in master.  
(08:50:02 AM) gac410: Y.    I guess someone could be using it in an extension.  :(
(08:50:30 AM) MichaelDaum: I doubt it, but there is a chance.
(08:51:31 AM) gac410: Maybe it should go back into master but have someone actually complete the implementation?   IDK    I'd still lean toward eliminate it.
(08:52:01 AM) gac410: Wish Julian was here.  He spent more time on this stuff
(08:53:43 AM) MichaelDaum: this one introduced it:
(08:55:11 AM) MichaelDaum: this method is highly inefficient also
(08:55:53 AM) MichaelDaum: lets assume extensions do not load $meta objects for webs nor for the $root (which type() doesnt cover btw)
(08:56:12 AM) MichaelDaum: most extensions load $meta objs for topics, nothing else.
(08:56:39 AM) MichaelDaum: arguing this way, there barely is a need for type()
(08:57:27 AM) gac410: y.   I think Julian was right to scrape out some of this cruft
(08:58:10 AM) MichaelDaum: F::M itself would rather do an "if defined $this->{_topic}" ... rather than if defined($this->type()) && $this->type() eq 'topic'
(08:59:14 AM) gac410: y   Internal to F:M no need to use functions vs accessing internal data
(09:00:03 AM) MichaelDaum: lets not reintroduce it to master. 
(09:00:27 AM) gac410: It appears as though that commit f2297...   has been revised to work without the type() call.  so y.     scrap it.
(09:01:09 AM) MichaelDaum: I am going to close Item14003 then
(09:01:24 AM) MichaelDaum: no erm. waiting for release.
(09:01:51 AM) gac410: y.  
(09:02:10 AM) gac410: I'll set Target & Released in so we don't lose it.
(09:02:54 AM) gac410: Target "minor"   Released-in  2.2.0   if you would...
(09:02:59 AM) MichaelDaum: done
(09:03:04 AM) gac410: ty
(09:05:05 AM) gac410: The line after 14003 is in my court.   I was reworking bulk registration to have it use a view template, and make it much easier to use.     I just don't recall where I left off.
(09:06:19 AM) MichaelDaum: hehe. know that feeling.
(09:06:24 AM) gac410: Okay  Item14023 has been merged.
(09:08:09 AM) gac410: Item10149 is a performance issue.   No idea what really needs to be done here ... Commits only document that performance sucks 
(09:10:33 AM) gac410: Item12263  I have no idea.   It got partial fix in 1.1.6 
(09:11:37 AM) gac410: MichaelDaum said "The real fix would be to pass a user object."   which puts this into a boil-the-ocean category.  :(
(09:12:24 AM) MichaelDaum: y
(09:12:53 AM) MichaelDaum: meanwhile oceans are already boiled ... 
(09:13:19 AM) MichaelDaum: I have loads of other problems with all of the user mapping code
(09:13:55 AM) ***gac410 hates to go poking at this hornets nest.  Tempted to set to Needs Developer,  until the user mapping code gets it's rewrite  ... someday  
(09:14:09 AM) MichaelDaum: let me comment on Item12263 indirectly ... with yet another bad bug buried in the design of all this code
(09:14:38 AM) MichaelDaum: I just recently moved a client to active directory using ldap contrib
(09:14:58 AM) MichaelDaum: it requires that {AllowLoginNames} must be switched on
(09:15:12 AM) MichaelDaum: this changes cUIDs too
(09:16:12 AM) gac410: y.   Which probaly breaks all the old TOPICINFO meta
(09:16:14 AM) MichaelDaum: which means: the store now has got different kinds of authorship in its store history
(09:16:19 AM) gac410: yup
(09:16:33 AM) MichaelDaum: right. especially loading an old rev will start the problems.
(09:16:49 AM) gac410: The cUID mess really is a lurking disaster.  
(09:17:12 AM) gac410: And the indeterminate underscore encoding.  
(09:17:18 AM) MichaelDaum: why: it goes via Foswiki::Users .... which has got ... surprise ... an internal cache of its own. While passing user mappings thru its internals it keeps record which ids go together .
(09:17:36 AM) MichaelDaum: ^why^<del>why</del>^
(09:18:18 AM) MichaelDaum: so loading an old rev of a topic will _pollute_ the internal user mapping cache in Foswiki::Users ...and break any further calls to the user apis
(09:18:36 AM) gac410: ugh.  That's even worses
(09:19:38 AM) MichaelDaum: this all given that we have loads of login names that have dots or underscores in it ... 
(09:20:31 AM) MichaelDaum: Item12263 is relatively harmless compared to this flaw
(09:21:17 AM) gac410: Item11624.   I think I'm just going to no-action that one.   Sven did some major work and then said "I didn't mean to commit this yet though, as I want to write unit tests for it. - work in progress for 1.1.5."     So I reverted it to get 1.1.5 out the door :P
(09:21:43 AM) gac410: It's not a bug that I can see,  so I think just getting it off the plate would be best.
(09:22:06 AM) gac410: I was thinking it had commits,  but they are all reversed. So  NOP
(09:24:51 AM) MichaelDaum: ok
(09:25:16 AM) MichaelDaum: I'll close Item12263. as far as I see things that we can fix have already been fixed ... and released.
(09:25:29 AM) gac410: So 12263 ... So we don't trip over it and re-review this yet again?    Should we No-action,   Ah... good.  
(09:25:30 AM) MichaelDaum: kinda lipstick fixes
(09:26:29 AM) gac410: Basically if a task has checkins against master,  and is not closed,   I'm going to "re-discover" it all over again when I do the commit reviews for incomplete work and put us through this hell again.
(09:31:10 AM) gac410: Onto the incomplete features.   I wish crawford was here.  He's done a lot of work on some of them and they sit un-merged / incomplete.
(09:32:56 AM) gac410: Item13905 is     And got into some kinda discussion hell.  
(09:33:07 AM) gac410: It implements  #{  }#   as a new comment type.
(09:34:48 AM) MichaelDaum: he still has got time to finish it
(09:35:38 AM) gac410: It actually seems to be complete... with unit tests and everything.  It's more the discussion of the proposal that broke down
(09:36:53 AM) MichaelDaum: okay
(09:37:13 AM) MichaelDaum: well we don't have to rush it. we are still at the beginning of this dev cycle
(09:37:18 AM) gac410: I'll table that one for the next time we see CDot.  
(09:37:26 AM) MichaelDaum: k
(09:38:10 AM) gac410: Then next proposa ... ConfigurableCookeiNamesAndPaths.  Is mostly done in master due to our cookie/blog issues.  But I think implementing the new JQuery cookie code would make sense there.
(09:38:31 AM) gac410: we still have some cookies that are not handled consistently.
(09:39:57 AM) MichaelDaum: I see. yet still the feature proposal itself is implemented, isnt it
(09:40:09 AM) MichaelDaum: i.e. for session cookies
(09:40:23 AM) gac410: For session cookies yes. 
(09:40:30 AM) MichaelDaum: and twisty cookies
(09:41:02 AM) gac410: strikeone and twisty are incomplete, I don't believe they handle the path. Only the domain
(09:41:17 AM) gac410: We are not using path.  So we get away with the incomplete fix
(09:41:25 AM) gac410: moment... afk
(09:42:21 AM) MichaelDaum: things left to do in that area:
(09:42:31 AM) MichaelDaum: (1) upgrade to newer jquery cookie impl
(09:42:58 AM) MichaelDaum: (2) this comes with an api change of its own for any jquery plugin that uses it
(09:43:11 AM) MichaelDaum: (3) alter strikeone and twisty to use jquery.cookie
(09:44:15 AM) MichaelDaum: (4) move any special PREFS code out of the core of related JavaScriptFiles and move it into jquery.foswiki ... which may interact with jquery.cookie as required.
(09:44:38 AM) MichaelDaum: (5) and so on
(09:44:41 AM) gac410: y
(09:45:13 AM) gac410: Ah ha... CDot just connected.  
(09:46:06 AM) cdot [~crawford@foswiki/developer/cdot] entered the room.
(09:46:26 AM) gac410: MichaelDaum:   Do you want to tackle any of the javascript side sometime between now and April freeze?
(09:46:26 AM) ***cdot has emerged after the week from hell
(09:46:58 AM) gac410: Welcome back.  Hopefully not too many burns from the hellfiires  
(09:47:00 AM) MichaelDaum: gac410, yes definitely.
(09:47:37 AM) gac410: Okay MichaelDaum great thanks.   the js side definitely falls outside of my comfort zone for sure.
(09:48:04 AM) cdot: link to the task you are discussing?
(09:48:21 AM) gac410: CDot ...
(09:48:41 AM) cdot: thx
(09:49:06 AM) gac410: first item.   ImproveSupportForComments.    You implemented #{ }#   in Item13905   but rather got stuck in limbo...  
(09:49:24 AM) gac410: My impression it that it's probably ready to merge  except for discussion hell.
(09:51:41 AM) cdot: The people most likely to make use of it are template topic developers. And I got 0 feedback, so wasn't motivated to take it further.
(09:52:08 AM) cdot: If MichaelDaum / jast think it's worthwhile, then maybe it's worth doing.
(09:52:29 AM) cdot: otherwise, just drop the branch.
(09:52:31 AM) MichaelDaum: it is probably more usefull for docuing inline wiki apps
(09:53:03 AM) cdot: it *should* be useful for doccing *anything* - but seems doc is a dirty word.
(09:53:10 AM) MichaelDaum: template topics are better off using %{ }% already
(09:53:27 AM) MichaelDaum: only problem I see is confused users
(09:53:42 AM) cdot: maybe we should just merge it, and see what happens >:-)
(09:54:13 AM) MichaelDaum: %{..}, #{..}#, <!-- ... -->, verbatim class=foswikiHidden> .../verbatim>, template-only section, ... you name it
(09:54:18 AM) gac410: Well the proposal had a lot of discussion,  just not productive.     So there certainly was some interest  
(09:54:46 AM) MichaelDaum: y
(09:55:19 AM) MichaelDaum: cdot, could you explain to me  - a wiki app newbie - when to use %{ ...}% and when #{ ... }# 
(09:55:48 AM) cdot: right now, no. Reading what is writ.
(09:56:12 AM) MichaelDaum: something like "make commenting great again"
(09:57:41 AM) cdot: I think it's something like "Use %{}% in skin templates, and #{}# everywhere else"
(09:58:24 AM) MichaelDaum: this is what worries me most about this particular feature. not that it is a bad idea. just that it is adding to a stack of other not-bad-could-be-worse ideas.
(09:58:53 AM) cdot: indeed. So we can do it, or do nothing. Do nothing is easier.
(09:59:12 AM) MichaelDaum: point is. what do we _want_.
(09:59:38 AM) cdot: everything on the menu. All in a bucket. With an egg on top. ;-)
(10:00:55 AM) MichaelDaum: as long as we can't explain it properly to Aunt Tiffie, I am leaning towards holding it back.
(10:01:09 AM) gac410: I think the issue is that this syntax #{ }#  seems really useful,  but it's confusing when to use %{ vs #{   
(10:01:40 AM) gac410: And +1 ... without being able to explain why/when to use it,  it's hard to find the real need.
(10:02:10 AM) cdot: Not really. I just explained it; %{ in skin templates, #{ otherwise. To simplify it, deprecate %{ in skin templates and implement #{ there as well.
(10:02:46 AM) cdot: multiple syntaxes only there because I made a bad (lazy) choice in skin templates of %{
(10:02:59 AM) cdot: chance to correct that error here.
(10:03:43 AM) MichaelDaum: what about %{&lt;verbatim>}% ...%{&lt;/verbatim>}% in template topics
(10:04:18 AM) MichaelDaum: same question for #{ verbatims }# ...
(10:04:43 AM) cdot: that doesn't do anything *now*, does it?
(10:04:55 AM) MichaelDaum: why not
(10:04:57 AM) cdot: or do you mean "skin" template topics?
(10:05:08 AM) gac410: skin template topics.  
(10:05:10 AM) ***cdot is never sure what "template" means
(10:05:37 AM) cdot: ok, skin template topics are skin templates, just stored in topics. So %{ deprecated will continue to work there
(10:05:45 AM) MichaelDaum:
(10:06:02 AM) gac410: y,  In another of your proposals... I snuck in the proposal that we start calling topic tempates   topic prototypes   :P
(10:06:34 AM) MichaelDaum: TopicView is what I call them
(10:07:05 AM) cdot: saw that, considered getting a hood out from Chicago to take you out, decided it wasn't worth the $50 
(10:07:30 AM) gac410: :P
(10:07:48 AM) cdot: whatever. That terminology problem is way bigger than the %{ #{ debate.
(10:08:20 AM) gac410: our overloading of the term template is probably one of the most confusing part of foswiki to the newbie.  But never mind.  
(10:08:23 AM) cdot: I'm easy about what happens with that comment syntax. I just thought it would be good to have one.
(10:09:28 AM) MichaelDaum: my feeling is that %{&lt;verbatim>}% ... %{&lt;/verbatim>}% will affect the contained content whereas the same with #{ &lt;verbatim> does not
(10:09:30 AM) gac410: Okay.   Is there any *timing* difference between %{ and #{   or are they both removed very early.      Can I use #{ to comment in a topic but have it redacted from the generated html?
(10:09:52 AM) gac410: Exactly  that to me is VERY important distinction.
(10:10:09 AM) cdot: OIC what you are doing with %{ there, MichaelDaum. OK, so I didn't particularly intend that. 
(10:10:35 AM) cdot: gac410: #{ should be removed *at the first possible time* so before any other rendering or processing of the content.
(10:11:07 AM) cdot: Pretty much at topic/template read-from-disk time.
(10:11:09 AM) gac410: So   %{ some content }% i ignored when processing a template,   but becomes  simply  "some content"  when viewing the template as a topic.
(10:11:24 AM) cdot: yes, that's how MichaelDaum is using it.
(10:11:25 AM) MichaelDaum: so #{ are processed early, then all the rest in the middle including verbatim and finally %{ are patched out just at the very end
(10:11:27 AM) gac410: vs.   #{ some content }#   is completely removed
(10:11:43 AM) gac410: Right... So this is indeed a benefit IMO
(10:11:52 AM) gac410: And both syntaxes are needed
(10:12:01 AM) cdot: unfortunately it would seem so.
(10:13:19 AM) gac410: So I'd vote to merge  that one.   assuming docs are complete.   Given we've gotten this confused,   I think the docs may need some examples on when to use.
(10:18:03 AM) MichaelDaum: +1
(10:18:52 AM) gac410: So cdot,  while you are here, ... Item13909 is another one of yours.   But needs a change to use EXPAND: syntax. 
(10:18:52 AM) gac410: Do you want to finish that one off,   or should one of us make the change and merge?
(10:19:59 AM) cdot: I'd better do the changes. The branch needs a merge out first, and that might confuse things. And I'm probably the bext person to write the doc.
(10:20:20 AM) cdot: Will give you a shout when it's ready to merge into trunk (or just watch)
(10:20:51 AM) gac410: Do you really need to do a merge out first?    I think simple merge in usually works unless there were conflicts
(10:22:41 AM) gac410: Okay.   Michael,   regarding ... You made some changes to Item14033 branch after it had been merged into master.   And I had changed master for some of the issues.   So it got badly conflicted.
(10:23:04 AM) gac410: Have you been testing with master?  And is it usable as is?   The conflicts will be painful to figure out.
(10:23:50 AM) gac410: I rewrote some of the code while working with vrurg on his object code where he found issues with the feature, and then pulled that back into master.
(10:28:05 AM) MichaelDaum: gac410, this work has been quite shaking things. it basically changed the behavior of jsonrpc
(10:28:39 AM) MichaelDaum: the hard lesson to learn is: they both aren't that compatibile, the way to parse the request and init the session.
(10:29:01 AM) vrurg: I have to run. It's not much help from me today anyway. Brief report: zero development. 9th wave of problems like a bug in vmware wiping out my personal server at the very moment when backups were deleted. Hope to get more for the next meeting.
(10:29:18 AM) MichaelDaum: the biggest problem is that the json request obj might hold a topic attribute that changes the web.topic location of the session
(10:29:29 AM) gac410: The real problem I have/had is that there are no testcases at all for jsonrpc.   I wrote some,  and depended greatly on configure.
(10:29:32 AM) MichaelDaum: as well as multi params
(10:29:50 AM) gac410: vrurg:    Okay.    That sure sucks.    good luck recovering.
(10:30:22 AM) gac410: MichaelDaum: The json request obj topic attribut should be correctly picked up now.   That was the whole point of the change.
(10:30:50 AM) vrurg: Almost done it. But a week was wasted. Ok, see you later!
(10:30:51 AM) MichaelDaum: while the apis in foswiki::request and json::request might be called similarly, they don't do the same under all circumstances
(10:31:21 AM) gac410: That was the whole point of the restructuring.  To get the json objec parsed really early so that the initial topic would be correclty set.
(10:31:35 AM) MichaelDaum: next is the handling of POSTDATA
(10:32:17 AM) MichaelDaum: we need to be able to post data to a jsonrpc
(10:32:29 AM) MichaelDaum: without it ending up in %QUERYSTRING and the like
(10:33:13 AM) gac410: That should all be working fine.
(10:33:24 AM) gac410: But without any possiblity of testing,  .... 
(10:33:34 AM) MichaelDaum: I've got a patch to master that is small enough and seems to fix the issues I had. 
(10:34:39 AM) MichaelDaum: what I totally forgot about before your initiative started is forms that are posted to a jsonrpc. .... and then process it as if it was a jsonrpc call
(10:34:56 AM) gac410: At this point the fixes do need to go into master.  Reverting will be really hell.  Esp. since all of this has been incorporated into vrurg's object branches
(10:35:06 AM) MichaelDaum: so both way need support: <form action=...jsonrpc> ... as well as doing it the javascript way ... $.jsonrpc()
(10:36:22 AM) gac410: the unit tests I wrote DO test POSTDATA
(10:36:42 AM) MichaelDaum: I wonder why PerlWeekly ignored our release ...
(10:36:55 AM) gac410: JsonrpcTests::test_simple_postdata   
(10:37:14 AM) gac410: btw   did you tweet it?    I don't have a twitter account
(10:37:23 AM) MichaelDaum: and they retweeted it
(10:38:37 AM) MichaelDaum: yet still their latest  PerlWeekly prefers other kind of infos ... more on little programming tricks. "How I got three errors into one line of code"
(10:38:49 AM) MichaelDaum: ... says it all
(10:39:13 AM) gac410: well given perls old contests for obfsuscated oneline programs,  that makes sense ;)
(10:40:16 AM) gac410: One more big feature we need to think about is     This branch could be merged into master
(10:40:17 AM) MichaelDaum: too bad, all this. I enjoyed sharing the cebit booth with Gabor Szabo in 2012.
(10:40:50 AM) gac410: vrurg did a lot of work to make cpan stuff "just work"   But I have not tested it.   
(10:41:18 AM) ***gac410 gets scared by magic and we've had major foobars with prior attempts at automagic cpan
(10:42:54 AM) MichaelDaum: let me take a trumpish stance: I don't have my glasses on ... too long ... wont read. what is it?
(10:43:19 AM) gac410: If core detects missing dependency,  it magically adds it    I don't recall how
(10:43:54 AM) MichaelDaum: as part of calling configure I guess
(10:45:48 AM) gac410: Actually right at the top.   If you bin/view and are missing anything it can install them.   iirc
(10:45:55 AM) gac410: I do need to review it I guess
(10:46:01 AM) gac410: I've not tested it.
(10:46:30 AM) MichaelDaum: why is that
(10:46:43 AM) MichaelDaum: why put it into a critical code path
(10:47:04 AM) MichaelDaum: is it in BEGIN or later
(10:47:39 AM) gac410: I don't recall now.   I need to go review.   And while looking at commits,  there is some of the object code there so I guess we cannot merge in the current state.
(10:47:50 AM) gac410: Maybe best to push to 3.0 
(10:48:06 AM) gac410: we have enough other stuff to deal with
(10:48:20 AM) MichaelDaum: lets pick up this discussion on the next meeting
(10:48:31 AM) MichaelDaum: vrurg isnt here anyway to comment
(10:48:59 AM) gac410: y.      Over the next two weeks   if we could get some of the   Implementation underway  items merged & closed that wouild be great. 
(10:49:26 AM) gac410: Pick up next meeting with the "  In Release Plan - no work"  category
(10:49:46 AM) gac410: Thanks everyone!   
(10:49:48 AM) gac410: Great meeting
(10:49:53 AM) MichaelDaum: alright. I've got a next meeting in 10 mins. 
(10:50:28 AM) MichaelDaum: see you on the other side
(10:51:34 AM) gac410: see you .... Thanks again.
Topic revision: r6 - 21 Mar 2017, GeorgeClark
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