Website Personas

Note: The content on this page was created on the TWiki project by Foswiki community members (who were TWiki community members back then). As it is valid for the Foswiki project as well we should apply the results of theses efforts on our current website.

It is very important to decide on what audiences we wish to cater for in our front page redesign. In this page I hope to create a focus for discussing:
  1. What types of people will stop by at the TWiki hompage (at
  2. For each type: what is on these people's minds (mindset)
  3. For each type: How TWiki/the website can satisfy their needs (known and latent) - Main questions
  4. For each type: What messages are needed to get them interested/allay fears/etc - How to addresss
See Personas for some methodic background.

NB: Economic/End User/Infrastructure Buyer is a widely used model for analysing the DMU (Decision Making Unit) for sales in the high tech sector. In the B2B context (as opposed to B2C) buying decisions are made in groups. The group of individuals responsible for making a buying decision are labelled the Decision Making Unit (DMU). In the hi-tech/IT sector the decision making unit is generally considered to consist of the following:
  • Economic Buyer - is buying the product to achieve some sort of business advantage. ("We're going to buy product X because it's going to make us into a leaner, meaner, more profitable organisation.") The economic buyer can, for example, be a CEO or business unit manager.
  • The Infrastructure Buyer - influences the buying decision because he's the guy that is going to make it happen. If it turns out that product X is really difficult to install and set up then he's going to say so - and product X's chances within the DMU go down. (We're going to buy product X because the boss is keen and its not going to cause big problems for me.") In the case of TWiki, the infrastructure buyer will be someone in IT (probably head of IT).
  • The User Buyer - influences the buying decision because the users are the people through which the economic buying objective will be realised. If the users feedback that the product is hard to use then the economic buyer will realise that his goals (in this case) of becoming a "leaner, meaner and more profitable organisation" will not be realised.

Skeleton personas

Picture Name/Type/Occupation Looking for In format Persuaded by
irma_sm.png Irma Andersen (33)
Industry Analyst
  • Overview: what, how, who
  • Comparison
  • Usage
  • News, trends
  • Cheatsheet
  • News blurbs/blog posts
  • User stories
  • Pointers to other sites
  • Proof that TWiki addresses current needs (so I can recommend it to companies)
  • A newsworthy story
  • Great usage examples

Picture Name/Type/Occupation Looking for In format Persuaded by
eric_sm.png Eric Cedrof (48)
Economic Buyer
  • Confirmations, based on opinions of team members and snippets of information.
  • How TWiki will improve the workgroups.
  • Structured, short documents. Management summary at the top, one subject per document.
  • A mix of qualitative results (statements, experiences, stories) and numbers.
  • A tool that will solve his problem: better workgroup integration.
  • Safe, mature and with support.
  • Cheap to create and maintain.

Picture Name/Type/Occupation Looking for In format Persuaded by
don_sm.png Don Itak (33)
Infrastructure Buyer
Leads the IT department
  • Proof that TWiki will have a future and not be abandoned
  • Information on Safety
  • How support is arranged
  • Costs for buying, installation, support. How many man-hours are involved and which skills.
  • Server requirements
  • Integration with current applications
  • Downloads
  • Lifetime of TWiki. The past can be used to predict the future.
  • Broad overview topics like Security
  • Introduction to Support. Options, also TWIKI.NET.
  • Cost overview
  • Installation overview
  • Maintenance overview
  • Technical whitepapers
  • Integration overview or examples
  • Detailed installlation guide
  • Low cost
  • Easy to install and maintain
  • Secure

Picture Name/Type/Occupation Looking for In format Persuaded by
ellen_sm.png Ellen Uster (29)
Tester / End User
Senior at Communication and 'end user'
  • Compact introduction to TWiki: what does
  • it do, how does it help. How does it fit in the Web2.0 landscape?
  • Examples usage in other companies
  • How support has been arranged
  • How TWiki can be introduced in the organization
  • Concise introduction, complete. Written by humans for humans.
  • User stories
  • Pointers to support (how is this first impression?)
  • Stories about introducing TWiki in the organization
  • Great usage examples
  • Evaluation help
  • Summarizing pros and cons to use with my report

Picture Name/Type/Occupation Looking for In format Persuaded by
lasse_sm.png Lasse Poven (24)
Potential contributor
Information management student
  • How to things work here, who is in control.
  • A way to contribute with something significant.
  • People to address, to connect to. A community center.
  • Guidance, tips and advice.
  • Introduction to TWiki and Who runs what.
  • Overview of areas to contribute.
  • A place to discuss contributions.
  • Pointers to people. Who is online? Faces.
  • Being wanted.
  • Applying ideas that will be used by thousands of people.

Picture Name/Type/Occupation Looking for In format Persuaded by
johan_sm.png Johan Curbain (32)
Current contributor
Independent consultant
  • Programming guidelines for core and plugins
  • Programming reference
  • Contributor centered information
  • Contact with other contributors
  • Quality documents about/around programming (quick lookup)
  • Contributor center
  • Being able to work efficiently
  • Working with high quality code and docs
  • Human touch

Picture Name/Type/Occupation Looking for In format Persuaded by
turan_sm.png Turan Chamer (31)
The wiki champion
Works in a IT company
  • How-to information (currently dispersed in TWiki, Codev and Support)
  • Solution for upgrade problem
  • Plugin version info: which one works in which version
  • Training info
  • Broad concepts as Security
  • Ready-made TWiki apps. How to share TWiki apps.
  • Sharing with other TWiki champions (to meet in person)
  • Central place for how-to information
  • All issues reported by upgrading
  • Plugins: clear TWiki version info, or alternative downloads for older versions
  • Training material (note that current introductions are not focussed on bringing the concepts first)
  • Repository of TWiki apps
  • TWiki champion center
  • Grabbing great TWiki apps
  • Painless upgrades, or being fully prepared
  • Good training/tutorial material for users

User types

Irma Andersen, The Industry Analyst

Irma Andersen, age 33, with an MBA and a career in marketing
irma.png Background
  • Irma has worked for a number of large software companies before moving to Gartner. She is responsible for "Web 2.0" and so covers other technologies than just wikis.
  • TWiki is on her radar - but at present is viewed as "yet another OSS project"
  • Knows that Google is busily integrating JotSpot with the rest of the Google product line and an announcement is imminent soon. This may mean she's preparing some background information for her Google wiki story for when the Google announcement comes.
  • Very well acquainted with the way in which wikis are used in organisations and their benefits (but only conventional uses - may not understand the Structured Wiki concept very well).
  • ...


  • Highly pressured; over-loaded with information, gets blitzed with emails, press releases etc
  • Questions all claims made by manufacturers - as well as checking against internal BS detector also discusses it with other analysts (also from other analyst organisations).
  • Despite this, a greater "share of mind" (her mind) is taken up by companies that shout the loudest.
  • Expected to predict the future but if she gets it wrong she wants to be wrong with the majority; if she gets it right would rather be right in the minority (preferably a minority of one). (The corollary of this is that, in uncertain times, she errs on the side of falling in with the majority).
  • ...

Main questions / Needs (expressed/latent)

  • Has TWiki got traction: How many downloads does TWiki claim? Who are its big name users?
  • Has TWiki got "buzz" in the blogosphere/trade journals? If so, what are they saying about it?
  • What are other analysts saying about it?
  • Why should TWiki be any better than other wikis? (BS detector very active at this point)
    • Architecture - what were the big decisions (that may have been made years ago) that affect the overall performance/functioning of TWiki?
    • What sort of developer community does it have behind it?
    • Longevity - TWiki has been around for years. Is this a help or a hindrance to it? (Hinderance because sometimes old products find that backward compatibility considerations hold them back.)
  • How is TWiki positioned against the rest of the wiki pack?
  • Unique features - does TWiki have any? What makes TWiki stand out from the rest of the wiki pack?
  • Markets addressed: is TWiki aimed at any particular vertical sectors? (Eg Health, finance, etc)
  • Getting a story - is there anything particularly noteworthy about TWiki that may justify her writing an article/feature before the Google wiki story?
  • ...

How to address / Solve Needs by

  • Overview information. Usage patterns, success/results.
  • Usage in sectors; examples/user stories
    • Irma wants to do her own research. Customer stories are too subjective but give insight in environments and can provide interview leads.
  • Finding a trend/Getting a story: news/developments
  • Fitness test/chances of survival
  • Pointers to other sites: comparisons, opinions from peers, users
  • Information needs to be up-to-date. Or recent information needs to be found easily.
  • A cheat sheet: most important info at the top
  • ...

Key messages needed

  • ...

The journalist

Note: a journalist that is reviewing wikis on technical merits is an evaluator. See example wiki evaluation.

Mik, age 36, freelance writer and journalist (will not be included in the persona set)
mik.png Background
  • Mik's work is published (amongst others) by a widely read business journal that publishes online and offline.
  • Mik's interest is in Web 2.0 developments - how it affects collaboration, learning and writing. But he also writes about communication in a business environment.
  • Knows wikis. Knows TWiki but not that familiar.
  • ...


  • Lots of blurbs come in daily. Some blurbs are more noteworthy than others. Trend developments can trigger the need for an article.
  • ...

Main questions / Needs (expressed/latent)

  • How can I get a story out of this?
  • What are the latest developments?
  • What are its strong points and weak points?
  • How is TWiki being used? In what environments?
  • How does it compare to other wikis?
  • How is TWiki being perceived by the public? By end users?
  • How does its community work? What are the numbers?
  • What role does/can it play in the social software movement?
  • Who can I interview for more information on subject A, B, C?
  • ...

How to address / Solve Needs by

  • Needs to be up-to-date
  • Needs a cheat sheet: most important info at the top
  • Mik wants to do his own research. Customer stories are too subjective but give insight in environments and can provide interview leads.
  • ...

Key messages needed

  • ...

Eric Cedrof, Economic Buyer

Eric Cedrof, 48, CEO


  • Eric has just come back from a CEO meeting where he enjoyed a presentation on new Web developents. He has been introduced to the idea of wikis, and he immediately saw the opportunity to get workgroups better integrated.
  • Wikipedia is a great concept, but for business he likes the idea of making certain areas classified.
  • Eric sets up a small team to investigate the options in the marketplace. Team members will report to him and he will make the decision based on their recommendations. See also Understanding the Economic Buyer


  • Interested in business rather than wikis; technology is a means to an end; spare me the intricate technical details please and give me the big picture
  • Delegates technical issues to others (in our case the Infrastructure Buyer)
  • Won't make the decision alone (needs to have support from the decision making team)
  • Risk averse - unless there is a very clear case that a competitive advantage can be gained by adopting technology
  • ...

Main questions / Needs (expressed/latent)

Note: This person will not do the research himself. He needs to be persuaded by others.

  • How exactly will this help my company? What is the story when I am going to present this to the board?
  • Who else is adopting this technology? (In particular, any of his competitors?)
  • What are the numbers? (Hard and fast objective facts on numbers of adopters, amount of money that wiki/TWiki can save us.)
  • How long will it take us to get our TWiki up and running?
  • Eric will not ask himself how long it will take to get end users adopting the new tool. But some concern may be risen by a team member.
  • How long before it starts making a difference to the business?
  • ...

How to address / Solve Needs by

  • Eric won't browse by himself. But he will get to see printouts, reports, and other snippets. The better this information is structured, the better he and his team can make a decision.
  • Eric will be looking for confirmation: a safe and mature platform that won't be abandoned tomorrow.
  • Stories from successful other companies will help, especially within the same problem domain.
  • ...

Key messages needed

  • A mix of qualitative results (statements, experiences, stories) and numbers.
  • ...

Don Itak, Infrastructure Buyer

The person who will actually be implementing/supporting/maintaining the TWiki system. This person works in the IT department.

Don Itak, 33, in charge with the IT department
don.png Background
  • Don gets the assignment to investigate the feasibility of deploying a "shared documentation" application. On the list are SharePoint2007, MediaWiki, and TWiki, or any other that will cross his path.
  • Don will need a way to translate all technical details to the big picture: numbers, timing and benefits.


  • Don loves and hates his job. He loves to work with technology, hands-on, fixing things, following techonology news. He hates it because lots of time is spent on meetings and decision making.
  • This assignment really fits his role: he can use his expertise without having a tight schedule.
  • Don has one problem though: with all his years of experience in IT, he is not familiar with Open Source products, or Linux in general. And although he is inclined towards Microsoft's SharePoint2007, he knows he will need to do some serious work on the other suggested aplications too.
  • Although he cannot think of an actual incident, Don thinks Open Source software is less safe in a production environment.
  • Don is interested in the technical aspects only. How the software will be used is not his concern, at least for now.

Main questions / Needs (expressed/latent)

  • Is there any future for the product? Its no use if the developing business quits after a while.
  • What are the licenses and costs per user/processor?
  • Can I get a service contract?
  • Where do I get support? How fast is support?
  • What knowledge/skills are needed to deploy the application?
  • How many hours will be required for maintenance?
  • Where can I find something comprehensive to use in my report? Usually I use whitepapers to comment on.
  • How difficult will it be to integrate it with currently running applications?
  • What are the server requirements? Don would prefer to use a Windows server.
  • Where to get the latest stable version?

How to address / Solve Needs by

  • Proof that TWiki will not die. Usage within other companies can help.
  • Easy to understand license and costs overview (free)
  • Global overview of technical requirements
  • Global overview of needed skills
  • Explanation how support works. Optionally where to get a service contract. Where to hire expertise.
  • Whitepapers
  • Detailed step by step installation guide
  • ...

Key messages needed

  • TWiki is free
  • TWiki is used by major companies
  • Open Source software is good for business too
  • Deployment can be done without a service contract
  • ...

Ellen Uster, End User

The person who will actually be using the TWiki system.

Ellen Uster, age 29, Communication department and 'end user'
ellen.png Background
  • Ellen works for Communication at Eric's company. She is not that interested in technological developments, but she likes the way the Web provides more and more ways to get people connected. Since a couple of months she maintains her personal page at Facebook.
  • "She's a steady" - well known and respected by other employees. She has wit but she does not get carried away.
  • Ellen has been asked by Eric to provide an end user perspective on a new types of workgroup products that her organisation is evaluating.
  • So she is in the workgroup decision team not because of her daily job at Communication but because of her knowledge and common sense.


  • Ellen is proud to be asked on the team.
  • She is eager to learn, but knows she won't have proper time to do the evaluation besides her already busy job. Let alone for 3 pieces of software.
  • She knows Wikipedia, but she's not convinced that this "everyone can edit" philosophy will work for their organization. They used to have a forum that was shut down because of too much negativity. And her colleagues don't seem too eager to share knowledge themselves.
  • She hates bad language, entangled arguments and technical jargon.
  • She is not experienced in evaluating software. She looks at sites allright, but that seems an almost intuitive thing. How to write down a review if she doesn't even know the rules?

Main questions / Needs (expressed/latent)

  • What does the software do?
  • How does it help people within organizations?
  • How difficult to use is it?
  • What do actual users say?
  • Is it difficult to learn? Is there any help system to guide newbies?
  • Do our people need training?
  • How does it work for people in my organization (not that motivated)
  • How would it affect my job at Communication? What changes can we expect?
  • How can I write all this in a review?

How to address / Solve Needs by

  • ...

Key messages needed

  • ...

Lasse Poven, Potential contributor

Lasse Poven, age 24, information management student
lasse.png Background:
  • Lasse is very interested in how the modern world deals with information, especially on the web.
  • He is interested in visionary ideas (like "As We May Think" by Vannevar Bush) but otherwise not constrained to one set of topics. Sometimes to the point of distraction...
  • He would like to experiment or to set up a new website or web service, but he is lacking the technical skills to turn his visions in to reality.
  • He discoverd wikis while he was doing research for his studies and was immediately fascinated by the concept.
  • After he heard about a university project that uses a wiki called "TWiki" for project management, he immediately joined the team.
  • ...


  • Loves Open Source software. Loves entrepreneurism.
  • Loves team work.
  • Often feels the helper in need.
  • After some visits to he has the impression that these TWiki guys never heard something about information management. It's such a mess...
  • Wonders how he could offer his knowledge of information management.
  • ...

Main questions / Needs (expressed/latent)

  • Is non-technical help appreciated at all? They are all so busy talking about way too technical stuff.
  • Where do I even start? Where can I make a change that is significant?
  • Who are running this place, and what are the rules of these people?
  • How do I provide help without stepping on someone's toes?
  • How do I make myself known?
  • ...

How to address / Solve Needs by

  • An brief indroduction on how to contribute. Introduction to TWiki and Who runs what.
  • An overview about (non-technical) areas of contribution. A place to discuss contributions.
  • A group / experts to ask
    • how and where can I help?
    • What do you think about my ideas to ...
    • Pointers to people. Who is online? Faces.
  • ...

Key messages needed

  • Join the community, it's fun.
  • Your expertise is greatly appreciated.
  • Any help is welcome - programming skills are not required.
  • ...

Johan Curbain, Current contributor

Johan Curbain, 32, independent consultant
johan.png Background
  • Johan works as an independent consultant, after having worked for a big technology corporation for several years. He learned about TWiki in that period, and has fallen in love with it.


  • He strongly feels that he should give something back to TWiki, it's only natural.
  • Although there is a lot he hasn't discovered yet about the TWiki internals, he normally can find out quickly what piece of code does.
  • He is generally helpful in showing the way around the code to fresh contributors.
  • He is fascinated by the idea that a lot of people work together for non-profit.
  • ...

Main questions / Needs (expressed/latent)

  • Shouldn't there be a plugin for this already?
  • I just came up with a great idea. Would there be any interest for this?
  • And how would it fit in the rest of the code?
  • What are the rules for contributing? Is there any quality check?
  • "Oh yes, there was something like that, which perl file was it in again?"
  • Can I turn my TWiki knowledge into something profitable?
  • Where can I meet co-contributors?
  • ...

How to address / Solve Needs by

  • Programming guidelines for core and plugins
  • Programming reference. Quality documents about/around programming (quick lookup).
  • Contributor centered information
  • Contact with other contributors
  • ...

Key messages needed

  • We need your contributions!
  • ...

Turan Chamer, The wiki champion

Turan Chamer, age 31, works in a IT company
turan.png Background
  • Is familiar with computers but does not have all system administrator skills


  • Likes the idea of Open Source and is forgiving for things that will not work out immediately. But feels the heat of impatient vocal users and sometimes needs to make a change fast.
  • Running a reliable system is top priority
  • Noone of his colleagues has the complete skillset: They have a number of TWiki advocates, but they do not know all its intricacies. Hardly anyone knows Perl.
  • TWiki upgrades are a pain. Last time they needed to make a number of changes to the customized look-and-feel, and at least one plugin stopped working.
  • His more advanced users constantly ask him to install new plugins but he is reluctant because he cannot know if they work on the current version of TWiki and more importantly - if they will work in the next version. He is not able to fix the perl code if an upgrade of TWiki causes a plugin to stop working. For this reason he only installs plugins that he feels are actively maintained.
  • He believes everything can be done in TWiki. He will often suggest TWiki as a solution to a problem - sometimes also in situations where other tools would be a better choice.
  • He is not only an admin. He is the most active TWiki user and loves to build TWiki Applications that are very advanced. Sometimes more advanced than his users can comprehend.
  • He would like to share things on but he has only asked a few support questions and he is concerned about just adding new topics because he does not want to do something wrong and get corrected by the regular users of

Main questions / Needs (expressed/latent)

  • I want to implement single sign-on. Where do I start?
  • How do I backup my TWiki?
  • How do I tailor TWiki so it looks like the company guidelines for Intranet pages?
  • OK I upgraded. Why are my skin tailorings broken and how can I quickly fix it?
  • How do I give my beginner users training in using TWiki? (advice and presentations)
  • How do I give my skilled users advanced training in building TWiki applications? (training material)
  • Where do I find good answers and arguments why we should keep TWiki instead of using some new corporate tool?
  • How do I answer questions from the IT department about security?
  • Where do I find some good simple TWiki applications I can copy and modify to my needs?
  • I have made a nice little TWiki app. How do I package it and share it?
  • Who are the other TWiki champions in my local area?

How to address / Solve Needs by

  • Quick answer to support questions
  • Has tried IRC a few times but the few times he asked something, 30 people seemed to be there but noone answered anything.
  • Surfs the site by searching and clicking around. Finds many good answers but also a lot of outdated information. Very time consuming.
  • Has read almost every topic on the local TWiki web except the ones that have to do with API.

Key messages needed

  • ...

-- Contributors: MichaelCorbett - 03 Sep 2007, ArthurClemens - 22 Sep 2007, CarloSchulz


What about "User" - someone who is currently using TWiki and is seeking further information e.g. support, roadmaps etc? They are not a "Buyer" per se, and need shorter routes to more directly relevant information. in the same vein, there is also an "Infrastructure User" - the admin who installs TWiki and is seeking information to help them optimise/improve their installation.

Oh, and in these days of promiscuous goldfish, let's not forget "Grazer" - someone who might be hooked into one or more of the other Types if only we can hold their attention for long enough. Die blitzenlichter aufpassen.....

-- CrawfordCurrie - 22 Sep 2007

Good point about the end user. I have replaced "End User Buyer" with "End User". Not sure what goals a Grazer would have. I suspect you mean the mindset of someone: searching vs. browsing.

-- ArthurClemens - 22 Sep 2007

A number of ways how TWiki could be introduced in an organization:
  • It is installed in a tech department and other departments want that as well. Grass roots origin. If kept small no harm will be done except for some hours spent on installing.
  • Management wants to tackle communication problems and sees a wiki as a possible way. Sharepoint will pull a lot harder on management than any OS project. Expectations are high.
I am missing the grassroots perspective: the 1 person or small team that decides which wiki will be going to used for the team work.

The end user could be involved in the Communication department. Communication has a stance of pushing the proper information down the channels. But they also feel they lack something like a vibrant community. A wiki is just a tool like a forum or an internal weblog.

-- ArthurClemens - 23 Sep 2007

We are looking for real persons. Look for photos where you can see a good deal of the face, preferably looking into the camera.

A lot of pictures there are real persons and not models in artifical situations.

Their licence agreements say:

You may use the Image

* In digital format on websites, multimedia presentations, broadcast film and video, cell phones.

We don't need to ask permission for our usage.

The descriptions need heavy work, almost all. Please enter your thoughts and experiences at Johan and Lasse.

-- ArthurClemens - 25 Sep 2007

I gave Johan a try, but now that i read it back, it is too specific. I mean, not all contributors are coders! Should we have different types of contributor personas? Should the contributor description be much more general?

I think, have the impression, we're applying the theory in the wrong way here, because a contributor is already a predefined role, and with persona's you describe types of people that might use the homepage.. So perhaps the contributor is also the economic buyer.. Disclaimer: i have not read any books on persona theory. If we are applying it correctly, i think it sucks smile

-- KoenMartens - 26 Sep 2007

The goal with personas is to be able to be specific. Yes, we can define types of users and with a statistics tool we could even say that 11% of the visitors are contributors (example). But that does not tell us anything, it is too vague to make design decisions.

Personas are specific. They let us imagine groups of people as if they were real people. And your contribution is really helping.

A good introductory article is

-- ArthurClemens - 26 Sep 2007

I think we should differenciate Johan and Lasse a bit more. By now they are both coders and the only real difference is that Johan is older thus more experienced but that's it. So maybe Lasse shouldn't be a programmer who knows much about API and Plugins already.

We need a persona who reflects people who are interested in TWiki and who like to contribute to it but who can not code. Eg librarians, marketing or business students.

-- CarloSchulz - 26 Sep 2007

Yes, you are right. Then Lasse would stand for a desired target group (not a current one). It will be tough to describe his goals though.

-- ArthurClemens - 26 Sep 2007

I've given last names to the personalities, in order to better describe who they are. I left their first names the same, just in case some folks have already grown attached to them as identities. But it may be worthwhile to revamp the first & last names completely, in order to really suggest "who this person is"...

Another idea would be to create individual TWikiTopics for each of these personalities. This would let us use them in conversation. For example: "TuranTechy installed a TWikiSite on his company's server with DonDepartmenthead's permission. But before they go to EricBigboss to request funding for an enhancement, DonDepartmenthead wants to make sure that EllenUser & her colleagues are actually comfortable with using the system.."

-- KeithHelfrich - 03 Oct 2007

Several revisions back I did some work on the Industry Analyst and I called her Irma Andersen - because these initials equate to IA = Industry Analyst. I'd be happy if we used that system - but with better names than my rubbish attempt at naming the industry analyst.

This has the advantage of not having caricature names but, at the same time, having names that people can map onto their roles (by their initials).

-- MichaelCorbett - 03 Oct 2007

This discussion here sound a bit strange to me, because it's the first time I read something like this on an OSS project ! I don't know many though. Targetting an audience is good idea, but what drives someone to a project :

  • the buzz about this project !?!
  • some good examples that demonstrate the effisciency of the project
  • the friendlyness of the project
  • the strong features
  • its responsive community ready to help
  • a somewhat general feeling
  • its easy to use
  • very easy to install so you can give a try in no time ?
  • ...
But IMHO I won't stay somewhere because I feel like Irma_something or what ever ! If I'm here now it's not because of a targetted audience, it's because TWiki looks like it can help me in my project ! That's the main reason. And while I'm here I would be happy to help others that's how OSS project works, don't they ? And then I will stay, if I feel at home here, with a nice tool doing what I want and nice guys overthere.

For me the audience of the TWiki is everyone who wants to do something with TWiki because of its powerful features which derive from its specific mission. Thought this drove me to question: Tools are used in enterprise not only because they are specially targetted to the entreprise but also because they are very effiscient and widely used. A strong tool targetted to the community use will have more chance to be used in enterprise because it is widely supported than the opposite a tool just for the enterprise with no community. Saying that, I would better see something like TWiki the entreprise wiki for everyone.

But you're right on one point TWiki offers the possibility of some different types of users which is not true on every software because you can't do many customisation:

  • the full end user: who is the one who just want to add new topics
  • the intermediate user: who don't no much about coding but who can understand TML and will build interesting an custom small applications using the power of the structure wiki and formatted surch
  • the coder: who will feel happy to take advantage of a strong API, nice coding core and will want to bring new features that are missing for its own use
Those people could be everything, young, old, woman, man, white, red, yellow, black ... what ever you want, but for sure I definitely don't look like one of those above frown, sad smile .

Cheers, Eric

-- EricCharikane - 05 Oct 2007

Eric, what you metioned above is exactly the reason why we created this topic. Our goal is to understand the needs of our users (e.g. the needs you described). Therefore Personas are a really good technique. Each Persona represents a different type of user. With this technique it's much easier to really unterstand their needs.

But IMHO I won't stay somewhere because I feel like Irma_something or what ever

No, you stay here, because you feel like you do. And Irma and all the other are used to understand what attracts them. Once we know that, it's much easier to design a homepage, a device or whatever because we can map our design against their needs and mindsets.

-- CarloSchulz - 05 Oct 2007

@Carlo, The wiki champion could be a more generic person _a web 2.0 champion _, someone with skills in web 2.0 software like blog, CMS computer administration who is not specially working in an IT company but he is in charge of the IT questions in a small to medium company or association. He has to investigate new technologies for projects he is involved in and often he has to do the setup himself. The rest of the description can be the same.

What about the researcher in social software, semantic web who wants to use an existing tool for implementing his/her search like in semantic wiki ? But may be too specific ?

What about the personnal end user who fall in love with TWiki and want it for his/her personnal use and have very little skill in web tools and don't know how to install it.

-- EricCharikane - 05 Oct 2007

In fact the wiki champion could be the Power user ?

-- EricCharikane - 05 Oct 2007

We might want to check all personas for consistency and completeness.

-- ArthurClemens - 12 Oct 2007

Yes, we now have an overview of the main info needs, the formats how to present the information, and the winning arguments. Before we start at the homepage we need to design info clusters / landing pages, and navigation paths.

-- ArthurClemens - 12 Oct 2007

Info needs

  • Info needs, based on the persona descriptions. First draft clustering:
    Persona Info Needs.png
-- ArthurClemens - 15 Oct 2007

I have developed a structure based on these needs in WebPageAudienceSiteStructure.

-- ArthurClemens - 12 Nov 2007
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Persona_Info_Needs.pngpng Persona_Info_Needs.png manage 120 K 15 Oct 2007 - 21:57 ArthurClemens Clustered info needs
Topic revision: r6 - 01 Feb 2009, ArthurClemens
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