TestUserYay Juba

Country Norway
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1) The calculation shall produce an interference raster.

2) The calculation shall calculate interference both ways, i.e. System 1 -> System 2 and System 2 -> System 1.

a) Each pixel in the raster shall contain two interference values.

b) Each pixel in the raster shall contain GSM channel information.

c) Cell Id

3) The calculation shall use the pilot channel power for UMTS transmitters.

4) The calculation shall use channel information from the selected cells, e.g. frequency hopping for GSM, specified channel plans.


1) The result raster shall be presented by using ASTRIX Layers View

a) The user shall be able to select interference direction, i.e. System 1 -> System 2 or System 2 -> System 1.
  1. 2) The result shall be available in the ASTRIX Track System for cursor tracking
  2. a) The fields should be:
:i) Interfering Cell (List of Cells)

ii) Victim Cell

iii) GSM Channel(s)

iv) C/I, where I is the interference caused by the interfering system.
Topic revision: r3 - 07 Mar 2011, TestUserYayJuba
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