This question about Issue in browser: Task closed

Configure and NatEdit failing When Using Internet Explorer

Hello all,

I have recently installed/configured Foswiki 2.0.2, and everything seems to have gone smoothly. However, whenever I try to access the bin/configure page on Internet Explorer, it takes me to a page that is obviously broken (ex. there are no tabs on the left hand side to navigate through, content of the page is empty except for the Foswiki logo, a button to my home page, and a search bar.) More errors occur whenever I hit the edit button on my pages (using NatEditSkin), as the WYSIWYG editor loads, but occassionaly (>50% of the time) the content of the editor doesn't show my pages (I believe its an error in the tml2html script from my digging through my IE developer tools, as it shows that the script is returning nothing when it should be returning text). However, I do not see either of these issues ever when I am using Chrome as my browser. I'm not sure if this is an error in my apache configuration, or if I have a Foswiki configuration setting wrong, or what. I would rather not be forced to use Chrome every time.

I am using IE 9.

Is anyone else seeing this issue? Thank you

-- TylerMessenger - 13 Oct 2015

Confirmed. Needs a task filed. The issue with configure is that ie9 doesn't support the console.debug and console.log functions for recording diagnostics. We'll need to figure out a better way for the javascript code to report internal issues.

As far as the editor inconsistently loading content, I've not been able to recreate that.

-- GeorgeClark - 13 Oct 2015

Tasks.Item13816 filed for the configure issue.

-- GeorgeClark - 13 Oct 2015

Thank you for your quick response. I just changed my apache config. (shortened the foswiki URL) and all of the sudden the edit issue disappeared, so that error was probably my apache configuration.

-- TylerMessenger - 14 Oct 2015

QuestionForm edit

Subject Issue in browser
Extension ConfigurePlugin
Version Foswiki 2.0.2
Status Task closed
Related Topics Tasks.Item13816
Topic revision: r4 - 14 Oct 2015, TylerMessenger
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