This question about Developing extensions (plugins skins etc.): Answered


I was attempting to delete a parameter from the request and that worked but it leaves the uri intact with the original parameters. That is unexpected as I would think that the delete of the parameter would remove the parameter from the uri as well.

It requires me to :

my $uri = $query->{uri};
$uri =~ s/saml=logout&//g;

As opposed to the one call to delete.

-- TimothyLegge - 12 Nov 2021


my $uri = $query->url();

instead of accessing an object property directly.

-- MichaelDaum - 12 Nov 2021

Thanks but unfortunately I need the URI as it was with the parameters just with one of the parameters removed. my $uri = $query->url(); simply gives the url without the parameters. I could rebuild it from the request param but then I have to ensure that the escaping matches the original so that the signature matches. I will think of something.

-- TimothyLegge - 13 Nov 2021

QuestionForm edit

Subject Developing extensions (plugins skins etc.)
Version Foswiki 2.0.3
Status Answered
Related Topics
Topic revision: r3 - 13 Nov 2021, TimothyLegge
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