User Templates for CommentPlugin

This topic does not get overwritten when upgrading Foswiki so here we can safely put unique CommentPlugin templates.

Try not to use COMMENT in a way that encourage threadmode instead of refactoring.

Remember to put the definitions in verbatim to avoid this topic becoming a XSS attack vector


Bullet item added immediately after the COMMENT tag. Used to add bullets at the top of a list. The input field width is passed with parameter inputsize, for example:
%COMMENT{type="bulletbelow" inputsize="20"}%

%TMPL:DEF{PROMPT:bulletbelow}%<input class="foswikiInputField" name="bullet_below_item" id="bullet_below_item" type="text" size="%inputsize|60%" value="%URLPARAM{"bullet_below_item"}%" />&nbsp;<input %DISABLED% type="submit" value="%button|Add item%" class="foswikiButton" />%TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:bulletbelow}%   * %URLPARAM{"bullet_below_item" encode="off"}%%POS:AFTER%

<input type="hidden" name="redirectto" value="%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%?tab=discuss" />

-- KennethLavrsen - 30 Sep 2009

Topic revision: r2 - 14 Jan 2012, GeorgeClark
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