You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item2266 (31 Jan 2018, GeorgeClark)Edit Attach
The two registrations topics, UnprocessedRegistrations and UnprocessedRegistrationsLog should be moved into Main to help keep the TWiki-web free of site-specific modifications. MC - 14 Nov 2008

Just a couple of suggestions for cleaning up BulkRegistration after one has processed the registrations: LB
  • Erase the table in UnprocessedRegistrations or delete the topic completely. It would be most nice to preserve the table header for use the next time.
  • Get rid of most of the stuff that's generated in UnprocessedRegistrationsLog. Perhaps just have it generate a list of the names completed with a check beside it and note it's been completed.
  • Perhaps rather than INCLUDING UnprocessedRegistrationsLog in BulkRegistration, just redirect to the UnprocessedRegistrationsLog to show the result. Include a link there to return to BulkRegistration.
  • Show a bullet at the end with a suggestion of the syntax (or indeed an option to execute) to place these users into a group -- MC

Changing to Enhancement


A lot of this is already done, but not all. See also Item8878 and Item9790.

-- GeorgeClark - 07 Jan 2015

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Suggested improvements to post-processing BulkRegistration
ReportedBy LynnwoodBrown
SVN Range Sat, 06 May 2006 build 10108
AppliesTo Engine
Component BulkRegistration
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState Confirmed
Checkins distro:0999b820628c
TargetRelease minor
ReleasedIn 2.2.0
CheckinsOnBranches master Item13897 Item14380 Item14537
masterCheckins distro:0999b820628c
ItemBranchCheckins distro:0999b820628c
Topic revision: r12 - 31 Jan 2018, GeorgeClark
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