When addressing Item2771 I discovered that the printable mode for PatternSkin was incorrect with respect to the following:
  • The attachement and form were always shown at the bottom, even if the current view might show them on top.
  • The beforetext and aftertext section were suppressed.

I think the printable mode should be further reviewed for what should be present and what should not be present.

For example, it currently does not show the broadcast message. Should this be shown in printable mode or not? I don't know, but there probably is an explanation.

Every item in the view mode should be reviewed whether it should be visible in printable mode or not. This has to be done keeping in mind that topic specific templates might use some of these features.

For example, currently TMPL:P{"textcontent"} just shows the broadcastmessage and TEXT. In the original viewprint.pattern.tmpl template, it was eliminated and TEXT was put directly into TMPL:P{"content"} (to get rid of the broadcast message). This will break any topic specific template which modifies TMPL:P{"textcontent"}. Better would have been to just remove the broadcast message from text content (but this would end up showing the broadcast message if the topic specific template changed text content). So an even better solution would have a template snippet for the broadcast message to have finer control.

Of course, this can be quite subtle, and requires much planning. The current templates are a great step forward from Cairo in terms of modularity.

-- TWiki:Main.ThomasWeigert

Looking at this now 3 years old report, I think it is too broad for anyone to action it.

Pattern Skin has evolved several times since.

I No Action this one

-- KennethLavrsen - 03 May 2009

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Review printable mode for PatternSkin
ReportedBy TWiki:Main.ThomasWeigert
SVN Range TWiki-4.1, Tue, 28 Nov 2006, build 12081
AppliesTo Extension
Component PatternSkin
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState No Action Required
TargetRelease n/a
Topic revision: r3 - 03 May 2009, KennethLavrsen
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