You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item3986 (05 May 2013, MichaelDaum)Edit Attach
A single blog comment always shows "!BlogEntryForm" as its parent entry instead of either the topic name of the initial blog entry or the title of that initial blog entry. Please refer to the attached screenshot.

I then replaced BaseRef with BlogRef in the implementation for the title "On xyz" in the RenderBlogComment topic, as follows:

~~~        <h3>On 
~~~            <a href=\"$percntSCRIPTURL{\"view\"}$percnt/$web/$expand(BlogRef)\" 
~~~              title=\"link to <nop>$expand(BlogRef)\">
~~~              \"$expand(@BlogRef.Headline or BlogRef)\"
~~~              <span class=\"blogDate\">
~~~                ($formatTime(@BlogRef.createdate, '$day, $mon $year'))
~~~              </span>
~~~            </a>
~~~        </h3>

I'm not sure whether this is the correct approach, though. Did it work out of the box for others?

-- TWiki:Main/BerndSGoetz - 27 Apr 2007

I've got no problems with it. I have a BlogEntry that has one comment, but it doesn't have the behaviour as yours. I've done quite a thorough test before as well on nested comments and such, but can't remember having the same behaviour.

Does it happen only when you have 2 un-nested comments?

-- TWiki:Main/KwangErnLiew - 04 May 2007

Doesn't apply anymore since the extension war rewritten from scratch.

-- MichaelDaum - 05 May 2013

ItemTemplate edit

Summary RenderBlogComment shows BaseRef instead of BlogRef
ReportedBy TWiki:Main.BerndSGoetz
SVN Range TWiki-4.1.2, Fri, 27 Apr 2007, build 13539
AppliesTo Extension
Component BlogPlugin
Priority Normal
CurrentState Closed
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
blogcommentrenderer.pngpng blogcommentrenderer.png manage 120 K 28 Apr 2007 - 00:24 UnknownUser Blog comment with BaseRef
Topic revision: r6 - 05 May 2013, MichaelDaum
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