
Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Dec 2016 84595 215 0 4593 WebHome
1430 ItemSummaryQuery
1161 WebCreateNewTopic
226 WebAtom2
193 WebRss2
136 Item13601
114 Item12931
112 WebSearch
111 ItemTemplate
110 WebSiteTasks
110 ProjectTasks
152 GeorgeClark
 46 MichaelDaum
  5 FlorianSchlichting
  4 PascalSchuppli
  3 LynnwoodBrown
  2 PhilippFleischer
  1 KarlDuderstadt
  1 SvenDowideit
  1 FabienSecheron
Nov 2016 88805 214 5 3440 WebHome
2479 ItemSummaryQuery
1005 WebCreateNewTopic
292 WebAtom2
264 WebRss2
196 Item12931
126 ItemStatusQuery
121 Item10631
106 ItemTemplate
100 WebSearch
 98 WebChanges
 88 GeorgeClark
 70 MichaelDaum
 17 VickiBrown
 16 FlorianSchlichting
  7 PhilippFleischer
  6 VadimBelman
  6 BramVanOosterhout
  3 KarlDuderstadt
  3 AbakusAbakus
  2 CrawfordCurrie
  1 Ehj52N
Oct 2016 116310 82 4 3742 WebHome
1397 WebCreateNewTopic
262 Item10631
246 WebAtom2
216 WebRss2
205 ItemSummaryQuery
144 Item13096
136 ItemTemplate
123 Item9904
122 WebChanges
121 Item13897
 31 GeorgeClark
 20 MichaelDaum
 15 BramVanOosterhout
  5 LynnwoodBrown
  3 FlorianSchlichting
  3 JohnKnutson
  3 IvanDebono
  2 PhilippeKehl
  2 CrawfordCurrie
  1 VadimBelman
  1 FredTarbox
Sep 2016 95524 416 3 3636 WebHome
953 WebCreateNewTopic
222 WebAtom2
209 ItemStatusQuery
206 WebRss2
205 ItemTemplate
145 Item8915
129 Item13897
126 WebChanges
108 ItemSummaryQuery
106 Item9904
236 GeorgeClark
142 MichaelDaum
  9 PhilippeKehl
  5 TestUser333
  4 RichMorin
  3 CraigBowers
  3 DavidTonhofer
  2 JulianLevens
  2 JohnKnutson
  2 NicholasSushkin
  2 Ehj52N
Aug 2016 111763 170 3 4179 WebHome
1019 WebCreateNewTopic
305 Item2037
289 Item12349
286 Item13726
283 Item10505
271 Item11966
243 Item12267
228 Item9988
227 Item2571
221 Item11549
 69 GeorgeClark
 41 IvanDebono
 21 MichaelDaum
 13 LynnwoodBrown
  8 Ehj52N
  5 BramVanOosterhout
  4 VadimBelman
  4 PhilippeKehl
  3 AndyNon
  2 PhilippHoppen
  1 AndreasKeil
Jul 2016 138446 136 3 4320 WebHome
1792 WebCreateNewTopic
261 WebAtom2
259 WebRss2
182 WebChanges
161 Item11059
158 AllOutStandingItems
157 Item9904
155 Item13281
147 Item10699
140 WebSiteTasks
 48 MichaelDaum
 44 MichaelShaver
 12 GeorgeClark
  8 DavidRimmer
  6 PhilippeKehl
  5 CrawfordCurrie
  4 VickiBrown
  3 OliverKrueger
  2 AdrianWadey
  2 PaulMerchantJr
  2 PhilippGortan
Jun 2016 142088 120 2 8629 WebCreateNewTopic
3513 WebHome
288 WebChanges
251 WebSearch
240 WebRss2
238 WebAtom2
213 WebStatistics
201 WebTopicList
184 TasksByRelease
175 WaitingForSomeone
169 Item14091
 40 MichaelDaum
 27 GeorgeClark
 12 PhilippeKehl
 10 ShenZhouHong
  8 VickiBrown
  5 BramVanOosterhout
  4 DavidRimmer
  3 MarkusUeberall
  2 CrawfordCurrie
  2 VadimBelman
  2 PhilippHoppen
May 2016 294376 187 5 11696 WebCreateNewTopic
2908 WebHome
443 WebChanges
343 Item9904
311 HallOfFame
308 WebSearch
293 ItemSummaryQuery
290 Item8711
283 Item11180
274 WebNotify
273 WebSiteTasks
100 GeorgeClark
 41 MichaelDaum
 26 PhilippeKehl
  7 BramVanOosterhout
  3 VadimBelman
  3 TomasRaska
  2 FranzJosefGigler
  2 RogerioBastos
  2 ShipingZhang
  2 RayPlante
  2 MaikGlatki
Apr 2016 384186 209 2 13476 WebCreateNewTopic
3018 WebHome
640 WebChanges
483 TasksByRelease
445 HallOfFame
400 WebSearch
386 Item13563
367 ItemSummaryQuery
351 AllOutStandingItems
339 Item2605
320 Item11576
 88 GeorgeClark
 82 MichaelDaum
  7 BramVanOosterhout
  6 CrawfordCurrie
  5 VadimBelman
  5 JanKrueger
  5 VickiBrown
  4 PhilippeKehl
  4 LynnwoodBrown
  4 MichaelTempest
  1 KennethLavrsen
Mar 2016 488014 342 9 14274 WebCreateNewTopic
2766 WebHome
957 TasksByRelease
487 WebChanges
474 Item12362
461 AllOutStandingItems
433 Item2301
427 WebSearch
419 Item10182
411 HallOfFame
399 Item9260
133 GeorgeClark
124 MichaelDaum
 39 MarkusUeberall
 18 KennethLavrsen
  9 VickiBrown
  9 MichaelShaver
  4 PaulMerchantJr
  3 BramVanOosterhout
  3 AaronHall
  3 RichMorin
  2 JulianLevens
Feb 2016 155695 393 1 13108 WebCreateNewTopic
2143 WebHome
321 Item13563
292 TasksByRelease
257 WebChanges
249 WebAtom2
239 WebSearch
230 WebRss2
221 ItemTemplate
220 Item13897
186 Item9904
147 GeorgeClark
115 MichaelDaum
 52 KennethLavrsen
 22 VadimBelman
 11 JozefMojzis
  9 TobiasEtter
  6 MarkusUeberall
  5 UlrichLeodolter
  4 VickiBrown
  4 JulianLevens
  4 FlorianManschwetus
Jan 2016 23159 18 0 1297 WebCreateNewTopic
406 WebHome
 93 Item13563
 83 AppliesToParts
 63 Item13096
 43 WebChanges
 39 WebSiteTasks
 38 ProjectTasks
 38 TasksByRelease
 36 Item9904
 36 WebSearch
 10 GeorgeClark
  3 VadimBelman
  3 MichaelDaum
  1 AndreLichtsteiner
  1 MaikGlatki
Topic revision: r2 - 28 Mar 2018, GeorgeClark
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